

Our answers to all of your questions and many more

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about using Telenavis’ fleet and task management applications.

Can the dispatcher make changes and modifications to tasks after the automatic route optimization is complete?

Yes, the user, be it the driver or the dispatcher, can change or transfer operational tasks from one route to another, as well as modify the order and set the priority of the tasks on each route.

My business operates in a very certain way. Can Telenavis’ fleet management software adapt to my needs?

Telenavis software covers a wide range of needs and offers solutions to every problem. As the software has been entirely created by our experts, any customisation required can be implemented by us upon request.

Can I route and deliver my orders within a day through Telenavis fleet and management applications?

The applications evaluate and route the delivery operations based on your business’ resources, i.e. the vehicles you own. If all tasks are feasible to be scheduled on the same day, the system provides you with an optimal solution, suggesting the relevant organisation and best route.

What information can I retrieve from Web NavFleet, Telenavis’ fleet tracking app?

Web NavFleet allows you to monitor the status of your vehicle fleet, as well as their speed and direction of movement, in real-time. At the same time, it provides you with information about sensor readings and temperature deviations of your vehicle and its contents.

How do the fleet and logistics management software, Web NavFleet and WorkForce Manager, differ?

Web NavFleet is a fleet tracking and monitoring application that focuses on the vehicle and its operation. WorkForce Manager is a management and vehicle routing software, with a Proof of Delivery certification (POD) that requires the user’s interactivity.

How much does the annual subscription to Telenavis fleet management software cost?

The subscription cost to Telenavis fleet and operations management programmes is EUR 180 per year.

Can I plan and route my business’ delivery tasks with Telenavis’ WorkForce Manager?

WorkForce Manager allows users to optimise the routes and organise their tasks based on their current resources and needs. The application enables monitoring of the vehicle fleet and provides you with real-time proof of delivery upon your tasks’ completion.

How can I estimate my vehicle’s fuel consumption when performing the scheduled delivery tasks?

In case your vehicles operate with a canbus, Telenavis’ solutions provide you with the tools to monitor the tank’s occupancy, as well as the vehicles’ fuel consumption in real-time or upon the requested period of interest.

What should I do if I cannot see/locate my vehicles on the apps’ interactive map? How do I resolve this?

If you can’t see or locate your vehicles, first make sure you’re connected to the internet. Refresh the app page and select the fleet to which the vehicle you are looking for belongs. In case you still can’t see your vehicles after the aforementioned actions, contact our experts directly at +30 210 812 4100, on weekdays from 08:00 to 18:00.

Is there a way I can see the drivers’ working hours in Telenavis’ fleet and management software?

If you use an ID button, you can see the working hours of each driver during the requested period of time through system reports. At the same time, you can track the respective vehicle through the apps’ GPS tracking system.


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